I am writing to let you know that due to the current situation of the NAA, we have no other choice but to file for dissolution.
The Board and a few others had a meeting and tried to come up with a viable solution. Considering the fact that the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, demo person, publicity and class positions will be vacant after our Art in the Park in June, there is no legal way to carry on the association. We cannot continue without a full, functioning board. While we did receive a few inquiries from a small concerned and caring group, it was just not enough to sustain a full board.
We appreciate all of you and we know that Inez Reardon would have been proud that the Norwood Art Association carried on and thrived for as long as it did. Due to the dedication and hard work of each and every one of the board members through the years and our members who were there supporting us for demos, shows and everything in between, we kept it going. I would especially like to thank the current board, who have been working hard to keep it all together for the last number of years. We all wore many different hats at any given point in time. It has truly been a learning experience for us all, and we have grown so close while keeping everything intact. We are proud to have been a part of the NAA family.
Keep creating. Keep painting. Keep drawing. Keep taking beautiful photos.
Keep spending time with other lovers of art. Keep meeting and sharing.
Keep on doing what you do…
This is not goodbye. We will see each other again.
We will keep in touch.
Sincerely and from my heart,
Frannie Downey